Sunday, May 1, 2016

Hi! Happy May Day Power to the Workers not the suits....that screw everything up....these are poems sent to a BOMB journal Poetry Context enjoy!

How does one surprise God?
How does one surprise God?
I have heard the door or gate is not locked, always open

This poem may be hard to hear…
as it is to write or read, but we need to know
Our vets are surprising God these days
by alarming numbers…

Every day I think of a vet I knew,
he told me about the river boat he was on,
the murky river water, many small boats alongside…
action all around
He was a sailor on a ship
What the hell was he doing on a River Boat, he often asked, even now
Can’t remember the name of the river,
but it was Nam…
That is all one has to say

How does one surprise God?
I have heard the door or gate is not locked, it is always open

The Trauma of death, destruction, shooting at people
who often do not shoot back but run…in the wrong place you say
why are we there anyways?
not our name you shout, well it is…

How does one surprise God?
I have heard the door or gate is not locked, always open

You come home, home from war…
you are different now
No one seems to know that,
“but glad your back bro”…they say

That seems to be how it goes my vet friends tell me,
Yes, you are home
but then there is the addiction, not of killing but of forgetting

Some will ask, again and again, the images are always there,
We ask ourselves, why do I drink so much,
those pills sure help
Anger, who me, you just piss me off, no wait
Ya, I am angry but why? 

Help me, no I won’t tell you,
Boom! what the hell is that? Fireworks…
A Scream! Shit watch out, a grandchild crying…
On edge, trying to let it go…

How does one surprise God?
I have heard the door or gate is not locked, always open, we know…

Then a day comes for some,
No hope, unhappy, lonely, sometimes angry,
an emptiness, even though one is loved

the time comes to report…
The uniform, a symbol
Out in the woods, away from it all
There is that sense of being at attention, for the last time…

I can surprise God, sorry, got to go, the pain, the memories, are too much…
Oh my God!


Found a new way to talk about where I am
or the community and context I find myself in,
The revolution
The movement
The Reality

When we fight for justice
It is not for power, or control
But to always to be chased by the power bugs
The control animals, to freedom…

Three piglets greet me as I cycle by each morning
Just down the road,
my sisters and brothers, telling me something…

Or the noisy Sandhill’s in the wet lands
Protecting the young
or just yelling for no reason at all, revolution…

The undercommons gather
Not to march for
But to march on to revolution
The definition is always changing
But the work never does, it
Just deepens…  


As one drives the country roads
The old wooden fences, broken, surrounded
By the weeds and plants of time, yet looking strong,
No longer holding in or keeping out…

And then there are the stones fences,
They seem so strong, go way back,
with an iron gate, here or there…

Often I see wire fences, meant to keep humans in,
A warehousing feeling, once you enter.
The sound of the gates closing often sticks in your mind

Fences that keep in and stop from getting out
We live in a time, where there are fears, that often
Lead us to believe we need more fences,
Keep those who are different, look different,
Speak differently, beware it is fear not security that drives this thought…

We want free range chickens, cattle, wild animals to fill our tables and stomach, yet we build fences…
Hey, I got it!
How about a bridge, building bridges not fences?

For me, it was a small village in South Africa
The huts were what I would call road stuff houses
Build with love, with hope, with whatever they found along the road…beautiful, small, dirt floor homes…

Yet every spring a flooded area separated this small village…

One large pipe is all that was needed
Sister city relations called us to this village
Work crews, health checks, visiting of schools,
Government offices…a bridge was created, a sense of healing after troubled times, and hope of the future…

Today we are confused
I am sad as I know you are, and a bit fearful, uncertain…
We pray for those who went to dinner or a concert and are no longer with their loved ones…
The attacks in Paris, Beirut and Baghdad
A traumatic time for all human beings  
A time for bridges
A time for compassion
A time for healing
A time for peace
A time for hope

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