Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Holy Smokes as my mom often said, Fifty year ago I was ordained by Dad and others into the Christian Ministry

A poem for my classmates and the world, one that is not finished either....June 19, 1966-2016

Back to the well,

It seems we are always called back to the well…

Who is at the well?
Those who somehow lead you and I on a path
Yes, back to the well,
St. Olaf, Luther Seminary,
what did we learn about being pastors?
or was it the side jobs, directing choirs, helping
with education and internship that might have been the real training.

Came back early from Long Island internship…
Working in migrant camps in Door County
Sneaking into the camps at night
To work with the families, with games, scripture, conversation, and care
Maybe the seed was planted there for me…but the poverty
the nastiness of the cherry farmers
Woke something in my soul

I have been to the well, the place before all this religious stuff came to be
Where the spirit of human kind developed
Through family, clan, community and nation…
Through the earth, the four directions, the bode tree, and the cross

Yes, Luther was a beginning, but only that…
Living in Japan for over thirteen years,
Being part of four Parliament of World Religions
My practice of Zen Buddhism
Now, five adult children, twelve grandkids, eight children of color in that bunch
Walking the streets of Milwaukee for Open Housing,
Sitting in meditation with inmates for over ten years
Standing in Mandala’s cell on Robin Island, off Cape Town

I find at the well, a thread that is sewed through all spiritual paths,
A Word of Life, A Spirit that emboldens, a peace that passes all understanding
I am at that well, a person of dual practice, a revolutionary for justice,
Sad and angry the mother church never seems to get it, a warrior poet
In the tradition of Shambhala…warriors of compassion… No Justice, No Jesus!

But continue the fight. Why? For all peoples, all creatures, the universe…

My vocation, a call to be human, at service of all, be in spiritual practice and live in hope.
Congratulations Classmates! We are not finished, let’s celebrate and continue the work
we were sent to do. Whatever form it might be, the Divine blesses us all.

Peace, ko shin, Bob Hanson

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